About us

Diamond Way Buddhism in the World

In every culture, the Buddha's Teaching takes on the most appropriate form for it. In this regard, Buddhism can be compared to a diamond, which glows blue against a blue background, and looks red against a red background, while always remaining a diamond. Throughout history, the Teaching, without losing its essence, has adapted to the conditions of various cultures, social systems and eras.

Buddhism was transmitted for 1500 years in India and then for 1000 years in Tibet. Today, the timeless vision of the Diamond Way and its methods are increasingly attracting the interest of educated and independent people in the West. In the modern Western world, various Buddhist traditions have spread.

Lama Ole Nydahl founded about 700 lay centers of the Diamond Way tradition of Karma Kagyu in 60 countries of European culture located in Europe and Asia, the Americas, Australia and New Zealand. The Diamond Way Buddhist centers of the Karma Kagyu tradition function under the spiritual guidance of Lama Ole Nydahl. The head of the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism is His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje.

Diamond Way Centers are democratically structured and function through voluntary work based on friendship and idealism. Participants share the responsibility for conducting meditations and passing on the teachings. The doors of the centers are always open for those who are interested in the possibilities of the mind and are ready to practice the Buddhist methods of their disclosure. Lama Ole commissioned more than a hundred of his disciples to tour the centers and talk about Buddhism.

Russian Association

Address: Altai, Askat, Kuzmy Basargina 7
Phone: +7 913 998 14 24
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Address: Barnaul, Malo-Olonskaya ulitsa, 37
Phone: +7 913 220 70 14, +7 913 214 90 79
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Address: Elista, prospekt Ostapa Bendera, 7
Phone: +7 (961) 545-88-91, +7 (909) 397-06-28
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Address: Irkutsk, ulitsa Shevtsova, 68
Phone: +7 (3952) 33-79-14
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Address: Ижевск, улица Красная, дом 11
Phone: +7 963 549-44-84
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Address: Kaliningrad, ulitsa Kosmonavta Patsayeva, 5-7а
Phone: +7 (905) 249-77-33, +7 (911) 492-59-60
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Address: Krasnodar, ulitsa Kalinina, 356
Phone: +7 916 326 09 04, +7 967 121 94 77
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Address: Polyarnaya st. 152
Phone: +7 (391) 227-55-43, +7 (913) 831-31-40
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Address: Oyuna Kursedi st. 54
Phone: +7 913 347 04 47, +7 923 381 75 27
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Address: Магнитогорск, ул. Чапаева, д. 21
Phone: +7 (906) 872-63-33, +7 (903) 090-67-75
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Address: Respublika Mariy El, Morki, ulitsa Kudryavtseva, 8
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Address: Moscow, metro station Krasnye vorota, metro station Komsomolskaya, Kalanchevsky Blind Alley, 3-5с6
Phone: +7 (495) 609-03-80
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Address: Nizhnij Novgorod, Maxim Gorky st, 3
Phone: +7 (831) 434 32 72
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Address: Novosibirsk, ulitsa Sakko I Vantsetti, 71
Phone: +7 (923) 158-56-31
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Address: ул. Фрунзе, 80 (Флагман), 8 этаж, офис 853
Phone: +7 (913) 159-01-22, +7 (913) 693-26-32
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Address: Г.Петропавловск-Камчатский, ул.Тушканова 17
Phone: Elena: +7 (963) 832 61 00
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Address: Mira st. 13
Phone: Mikhail: +7 (918) 766-48-07
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Address: Saint Petersburg, Nikol'skiy pereulok, 7, apt. 26
Phone: +7 (812) 407-42-65
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Address: Samara, Leningradskaya ulitsa, 103
Phone: +7 (905) 018-11-06, +7 (964) 985-11-20
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Address: Saratov, Sobornaya 108
Phone: +7 (8452) 333 967
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Address: Severodvinsk, Industrialnaya 52
Phone: Ivan +7 902 193 32 82 Тимур +7 911 575 48 03
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Address: Gorodok Kominterna 16
Phone: +7 910 763 37 26, +7 903 698 02 00
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Address: Stavropol, Pirogova 18b, office 202
Phone: +7 918 860 63 73
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Address: Тольятти, Приморский бульвар, дом 2
Phone: Dmitry +7 903 332 47 15, Nikolay +7 937 214 44 72
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Address: ул. Н. Петрова, 2в. Остановка «Старая Барахолка» (Аптека) Маршруты из центра: № 3, 30, 37. Маршруты с ж/д вокзала: № 4, 23.
Phone: +7 (983) 435-71-05, +7 (914) 844-35-28
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Address: Ulyanovsk, ulitsa Federatsii, 163
Phone: +7 (8422) 44-95-31, +7 (917) 628-34-05
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Address: Vladivostok, ulitsa Derzhavina, 3
Phone: +7 (423) 2-455-155
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Address: Volgograd, ulitsa Batal'onnaya, 6
Phone: +7 (8442) 33-86-24, +7 (988) 003-61-38
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Address: Yoshkar-Ola, Krasnoarmeyskaya 47
Phone: +7 964 862 35 03, +7 902 439 99 43
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The centralized religious organization Russian Association of Diamond Way Buddhists of the Karma Kagyu Tradition is a religious organization uniting Diamond Way Buddhist centers that exist today in many cities of Russia.

The Association, as a nationwide Buddhist organization, began to function actively in the Russian Federation in 1989, from the moment of the return of religious freedom, when it became possible to freely follow one's convictions and conscience. By 1992, officially registered Buddhist Diamond Way Centers were actively operating in dozens of large cities of Russia, which in 1993 merged into the Association.

Today, the Association has more than 80 communities in all regions of Russia and unites several thousand followers of Tibetan Buddhism Vajrayana (Diamond Way) of the Karma Kagyu tradition, which has spread all over the world today.

In addition to the Centers located in the traditional areas of Buddhism in Russia, such as Kalmykia, Buryatia and Tuva, the Association includes Centers located in large and medium-sized cities, of which the most numerous are the Buddhist centers of the two capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg .

Through its Centers, the Association carries out activities to preserve and develop the ancient religion - Diamond Way Buddhism of the Karma Kagyu tradition and its cultural heritage in all aspects, to familiarize the general population with it. Under the auspices of the Association, lectures, meditation courses, master classes in painting, sculpture, art exhibitions, festivals, film screenings, open days, round tables, scientific conferences and other events related to Tibetan Buddhism are held. Maintaining friendly relations with other Buddhist organizations and other confessions, the Association participates in joint religious events, celebrations, celebrations dedicated to religious and national holidays.

The Association leads and unites the Centers that are part of its structure, ensures the protection of their interests, provides them with information, organizational, consulting and other assistance on organizing and holding Buddhist events.

Buddhism.ru Magazine

The Buddhism.ru magazine has been published by the Russian Diamond Way Karma Kagyu Buddhists Association since 1994. It is intended for a general reader and features articles on the theory and practice of Buddhism, on the Karma Kagyu centers and on the life of contemporary Russian and Western Buddhists.

Recent Buddhism.ru magazine issues are available in the Russian Diamond Way Karma Kagyu Buddhists Association centers’ Dharma Shops. In addition, you can download the mobile app Buddhism.ru for free and read articles from the previous magazine issues:

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